Department Directory


Directory of HSS Departments:
Department Abbreviation Office Ext. Chair
African American StudiesOpens in new window AFAM H-314 3848 Siobhan Brooks
Aging StudiesOpens in new window AGNG H-424 7057 Laura Zettel-Watson
American StudiesOpens in new window AMST GH-313 2441 Terri Snyder 
Anthropology - ArchaeologicalOpens in new window ANTH MH-426 3626 Edward Knell (acting S25)
Anthropology - CulturalOpens in new window ANTH MH-426 3626 Sarah Grant
Anthropology - EvolutionaryOpens in new window ANTH MH-426 3626 Elizabeth Pillsworth (acting S23)
Asian American StudiesOpens in new window ASAM H-314 2006 Eric Reyes
Chicana/o StudiesOpens in new window CHIC H-314 3731 Eddy Alvarez (acting S25)
English, Comparative Literature, & LinguisticsOpens in new window ENGL GH-323 3163 Irena Praitis
Environmental StudiesOpens in new window ENST H-420A 3161 Dr. Elaine Lewinnek.
Geography and the EnvironmentOpens in new window GEOG H-420A 3161 Zia Salim (acting S25)
History Opens in new window HIST H-815F 3474 Lisa Tran
Latin American StudiesOpens in new window LTAM H-420A 3361 Vacant
Liberal StudiesOpens in new window LBST H-230 2794 Dr. April Bullock.
Modern Languages & LiteraturesOpens in new window MLL H-835A 3534 Nathan Carr
PhilosophyOpens in new window PHIL H-230 3611 Ryan Nichols
Politics, Administration, & JusticeOpens in new window PAJ GH-511 3521 Philip Kopp
PsychologyOpens in new window PSYC H-830M 3514 Jessie Peissig
Religious StudiesOpens in new window RLST GH-313 2442 Zakyi Ibrahim
SociologyOpens in new window SOCI CP-900 3531 Michael Perez
Women and Gender StudiesOpens in new window WMST H-230 3888 Karyl Ketchum 
Center for Demographic Research CDR CP-750 3009 Deborah Diep, Dir.
Center for Oral and Public History COPH PLS-363 3580 Natalie Fousekis, Dir.
HSS Student Success Center SSC H-112 2594 Brittney Swanson
Social Science Research Center SSRC MH-038 3185 Laura Gil-Trejo, Dir.
South Central Coastal Information Center SCCIC MH-477 5395 Stacy St. James