Career Planning
Contact the Career Center
(657) 278-3121
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Monday through Friday
Welcome to Cal State Fullerton! As a first year student, your primary task is to explore your major. The Career Center recommends you do this to begin forming potential future career goals.
Questions to ask include:
- What interests me?
- What are my strengths?
- What would I like to explore?
- What lifestyle is important to me?
- How do I want to apply my major in a career?
Not sure where to start with your major and career exploration? Participate in a career assessment
to begin this process.
Take advantage of other Career Center resources and services:
- Activate your Titan Connection account and profile
to view job and internship opportunities
- Develop a resume using Titan Resume Builder
or receive feedback on an existing resume
- Use our career exploration databases including: Eureka Career Database, Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center, and What Can I Do With My Major?
- Attend workshops and events
Schedule a Career Options appointment
with your College Career Specialist
- Experience a day in the life of a career professional during Spring Break through our Titan Takeover: Job Shadow program
Second Year Students
As a second year student, your primary task is to continue exploring careers related to your major and develop career related skills (i.e. leadership, communication, critical thinking, etc.).
Questions to ask include:
- What can I do with my major?
- How can I develop marketable skills along with my major?
- What characteristics and skills are employees seeking?
- Where can I get career related experience?
Not sure where to start exploring career options with your major? Begin by scheduling an appointment
with your College Career Specialist on help with:
- Career Options
Take advantage of other Career Center resources and services:
- Utilize our career exploration databases including: Eureka Career Database, Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center, and What Can I Do With My Major?
- Develop a resume using Titan Resume Builder
or receive feedback on an existing resume
- Search for opportunities to get practical experience (volunteer, internship, part time work, student involvement, etc.) using Titan Connection
- Attend workshops and events
- Experience a day in the life of a career professional during Spring Break through our Titan Takeover: Job Shadow program
Third Year & Transfer Students
As a third year student or incoming transfer student, your primary task is to find related experience to your major in a professional setting. This experience can be in the form of an internship, part time job, or volunteer opportunity.
Questions to ask include:
- Where can I get career-related experience?
- What are the career paths in my major?
- Is graduate school my next step?
- What are the career trends influencing opportunities in my major?
Not sure where to start exploring these topics? Begin by scheduling an appointment with your College Career Specialist on help with:
- Career Options
- Job and Internship Search
- Resume and Cover Letter Review
- Graduate School Exploration
Take advantage of other Career Center resources and services:
- Utilize our career exploration databases including: Eureka Career Database, Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center, and What Can I Do With My Major?
- Search for opportunities (volunteer, internship, part time work, student involvement, etc.) using Titan Connection
- Participate in the On Campus Interview Program
Learn how and where to network
with professionals in your area of interest
- Participate in a mock interview
to practice your interviewing skills
- Attend workshops and events
- Experience a day in the life of a career professional during Spring Break through our Titan Takeover: Job Shadow program
Preparing to Graduate
As a student in your final year with graduation nearing, your primary task is to define your career objective and graduate school program (if applicable).
Questions to ask include:
- What additional experience can I gain to make me more marketable?
- What skills and experiences will give me a competitive edge?
Not sure where to start with your job search or with your graduate school application process? Begin by scheduling an appointment
with your College Career Specialist on help with:
- Resume and Cover Letter Review
- Job Search
- Graduate School Preparation
- Statement of Purpose Review
Take advantage of other Career Center resources and services:
- Search for opportunities (volunteer, internship, part time work, student involvement, etc.) using Titan Connection
- Participate in the On Campus Interview Program
- Learn how and where to network with professionals in your area of interest
- Participate in a mock interview
to practice your interviewing skills
- Attend workshops and events
- Experience a day in the life of a career professional during Spring Break through our Titan Takeover: Job Shadow program
Graduate Students
Are you preparing to enter the job market after graduation? Or are you interested in applying for an additional advanced degree?
Make an appointment
for help with:
- Resumes & Cover Letters
- Mock Interview/ Interview Prep
- Help with Job Search or Internship Search
- Career Options with Your Major /Industry Specific Questions
- Graduate School Preparation
- Statement of Purpose Reviews
- Experience a day in the life of a career professional during Spring Break through our Titan Takeover: Job Shadow program
For an extensive list of workshops and career expos and fairs go to
Resources Beyond Graduation
Alumni who are within one year of graduation are eligible to utilize all services offered by the Career Center. Services are free of charge with the exception of paid assessments offered through the Career Center.
Alumni past one year of graduation who join the alumni association are eligible to receive online services only. In addition, all alumni can attend Career Center events including workshops, expos and fairs. They are not eligible to receive in-person services such as counseling sessions nor are they able to participate in the On-Campus Interview Program.
Alumni should review the Career Center website for the most up to date information about services.