Syllabi Requirements

The syllabus is an important document intended to outline the pace and content of the course, the major course assignments and examinations, and the grading system to be used. Per UPS 300.004PDF File Opens in new window , the University specifically requires all syllabi to include the following components:

  • Faculty information to include office location, telephone number(s), e-mail address and office hours;
  • Course information to include course name, course number, course objective, text(s) and learning goals;
  • Grading standards and criteria to include a statement indicating whether or not +/- grading will be used;
  • Grading policy to include examination dates, “make up” policy (if any), required materials and equipment, penalties for academic dishonesty, and attendance policy;
  • Class assignments to include papers (number, length, due dates, etc), required projects (group/individual) and calendar of topics;
  • Students' rights to accommodations for documented special needsOpens in new window either by providing the given links or using expressed statements;
  • Academic integrityPDF File Opens in new window ;
  • Actions students should take in an emergencyOpens in new window ;

If the course you are teaching satisfies a General Education requirement, per UPS 300.004PDF File Opens in new window , the following components are required on the syllabus:

  • A statement of the specific General Education requirement(s) that the course meets. (For a simple way to identify the GE requirement a course meets, go to the Academic Advisement Center website, specifically , where you can search by GE Requirement, GE Courses by Department, or by GE Courses.)
  • An inclusion of the learning goals for the General Education category or categories in which the course carries credit. (Learning goals can be found in the catalogOpens in new window )
  • Courses in Oral Communication (I.A), Written Communication (I.), Critical Thinking (I.C) and Mathematics (III.A.1) shall include a state that “A grade of “C” (2.0) or better is required to meet this General Education requirement. A grade of “C-“ (1.7) or below will not satisfy this General Education requirement.”
  • An indication of the way in which the General Education writing requirement shall be met and assessed.

The faculty member must provide a printed copy of the syllabus to the department chair within the first full week of classes. Faculty are not bound to adhere to their course outlines on a strict day-to-day basis, but should follow their outlines as much as is reasonably possible.