Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice

Below are the degree requirements for 2021-Fall 2019 and Spring 2019-2018. Click on a button below to view the degree requirements for previous years. 
Degree Requirements: 2016-2017    Degree Requirements for 2015-2016    Degree Requirements: 2013-2015

Fall 2023 - Criminal Justice Handbook



CRJU 310A is now CRJU 310. Nothing else about the course has changed. However, Titan Degree Audits (TDAs) may have CRJU 310 show up as an elective instead of in the core requirements for the major (or minor) where it belongs. This issue is getting addressed, and students will not need to do anything to get the course correctly counted.


Catalog Year

2021- Fall 2019


Criminal Justice majors must achieve a “C-” (1.7) or better in all 13 courses in the curriculum and earn a minimum 2.0 GPA in the major to complete their bachelor’s degree.


For the major, every student must complete the core courses (21 units) and a minimum of 15 units from the elective curriculum and three units of a approved writing course.


Core Curriculum (21 Units)

  • CRJU 100: Crime, Law and Justice (3)
  • CRJU 300: Introduction to Criminal Justice (3)
  • CRJU 310A: Criminal Law: Substantive (3)
  • CRJU 315: The Enforcement Function (3)
  • CRJU 330: Crime and Delinquency (3)
  • CRJU 340: Criminal Justice Research Methodology (3)
  • CRJU 345: Corrections (3)


Elective Curriculum (15 Units)
9 units at the 400 level

Students should select five criminal justice elective courses (CRJU) of their choice, based on personal or career interests.

CRJU 303          Controlling Crime
 CRJU 304         Criminal Courts
CRJU 320          Intro to Public Management and Policy
CRJU 322          Leadership for Public Service
CRJU 325          Juvenile Justice Administration
CRJU 327         Victims and the Criminal Justice System
CRJU 360          Comparative & International CJ Systems
CRJU 370          Sex and the Criminal Justice System
CRJU 385          Minorities & the Criminal Justice System
CRJU 404          Capital Punishment
CRJU 405          Criminal Justice Policy
CRJU 406          Crime & Popular Culture
CRJU 415          Policing the City
CRJU 420          Drugs and Crime
CRJU 422          Public Personnel Administration
CRJU 430          Women and Crime
CRJU 435          Civil Disobedience
CRJU 440          Correctional Rehabilitation
CRJU 445          White Collar Crime
CRJU 455          Gangs & the Criminal Justice System
CRJU 459          Crime & Justice at the US-Mexico Border
CRJU 462          Crime Analysis
CRJU 471          Moot Court
CRJU 474          Civil Liberties 
CRJU 475T     Topics in Admin. of Justice 
CRJU 478          Animals, Law, & Society
CRJU 485          Search, Seizure & Interrogation I 
CRJU 486          Search, Seizure & Interrogation II 
CRJU 492          Pre-law Internship
CRJU 495          Criminal Justice Internship
CRJU 499         Independent Study (1, 2, or 3 units)


Writing Requirement (3 Units)

  One of the following courses:

  • English 301 Advanced College Writing (3)
  • English 365 Legal Writing (3)











Catalog Year

Spring 2019-2018 


Criminal Justice majors must achieve a “C” (2.0) or better in all 13 courses in the curriculum and earn a minimum 2.0 GPA in the major to complete their bachelor’s degree.


For the major, every student must complete the core courses (21 units) and a minimum of 12 units from the elective curriculum. In addition, each student is required to complete 9 units in a correlated curriculum and three units of an approved writing course.


Core Curriculum (21 Units)

  • CRJU 100: Crime, Law and Justice (3) 
  • CRJU 300: Introduction to Criminal Justice (3)
  • CRJU 310A: Criminal Law: Substantive (3)
  • CRJU 315: The Enforcement Function (3)
  • CRJU 330: Crime and Delinquency (3)
  • CRJU 340: Criminal Justice Research Methodology (3)
  • CRJU 345: Corrections (3)


Elective Curriculum (15 Units)

Students should select four criminal justice elective courses (CRJU) of their choice, based on personal or career interests.


Correlated Curriculum (3 Units)

The purpose of this requirement is to allow for an awareness of the disciplines contributing to the creation of "criminal justice" as a separate subject. Upper-division courses in such fields as philosophy, political science, psychology and public administration are included. 

Noted courses are particularly suitable for students who are interested in Law School (LAW), Law Enforcement (LE) or Corrections (CORR).

AFRO 311        Intracultural Socialization Patterns
AFRO  355        History of Racism (LE) 
AMST 301        American Character
AMST 320        Women in American Society (LE, LAW, CORR)
AMST 377        Prejudice & American Culture (LE)
AMST 405        Images of Crime & Violence in American Culture (LE)
AMST 420        Childhood & Family in American Culture (LE)
AMST  438       American Minds: Images of Sickness & Health (LE)
CHIC 360           Chicanos & the Law (LAW)
CHIC 450           The Chicano & Contemporary Issues (LE)
HIST 386B        American Social History (1865-1930)
HIST 480B         American Legal & Constitutional History (LAW)
HCOM 320       Intercultural Communication (LE)
HCOM 334       Persuasive Speaking (LAW, CORR)
HCOM 337       Communication in the Legal Arena (LAW)
HUSR 380         Theories & Techniques of Counseling (LE)
HUSR 385          Program Design & Proposal Writing
HUSR 400          Ethical & Professional Issues in Human Services (LE, CORR)
PHIL 345            Social & Political Philosophy
PHIL 355            Philosophy of Law (LAW)
POSC 309           Introduction to Metropolitan Politics
POSC 340           Political Philosophy
POSC 375           Law, Politics & Society (LAW)
POSC 376           Legal Tools for Political Research (LAW)
POSC 427           Policy-Making: Urban/Metropolitan Issues (LE)
POSC 446           Corruption, Ethics, & Public Policy (LE)
POSC 473           Introduction to Constitutional Law (LAW)
POSC 474           Civil Liberties (LAW)
POSC 475           Administrative Law (LAW)
PSYC 300           Computer Applications in Psychology
 PSYC 331           Psychology of Personality                                                        PSYC 341           Abnormal Psychology 
PSYC 351           Social Psychology (CORR)
PSYC 361           Developmental Psychology
SOCI 309            Computer Applications in Sociology
SOCI 348            Collective Behavior (CORR)
SOCI 356*          Social Inequality (LE, CORR)
SOCI 371            Sociology of City Life (LE)
SOCI 416           Sociology of Alcoholism

 Writing Requirement (3 Units)

One of the following courses:

  • English 301 Advanced College Writing (3)
  • English 365 Legal Writing (3)