Spanish Courses
Courses are designated SPAN in the class schedule.
101 – Fundamental Spanish–A (3 units)
Develop listening and reading comprehension, speaking, writing and cultural awareness to communicate on a basic level. Introduction to customs, culture and civilization of Spanish-speaking countries. Conducted primarily in Spanish.
102 – Fundamental Spanish–B (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 101 or equivalent
Continued development of listening and reading comprehension, speaking, writing and cultural awareness to communicate on a basic level. Introduction to customs, culture and civilization of Spanish-speaking countries. Conducted primarily in Spanish.
202 – Spanish for Spanish Speakers (3 units)
Prerequisite: consent of instructor
Intermediate course to further develop existing communicative skills in Spanish. Students may not receive credit for both SPAN 202 and 204 Conducted in Spanish.
203 – Intermediate Spanish–A (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 102, or equivalent
Develop listening and reading comprehension, speaking and writing Spanish based on cultural and literary materials. Oral expression and developing correct pronunciation. Conducted in Spanish.
204 – Intermediate Spanish–B (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 201, 203 or equivalent
Continued development of listening and reading comprehension, practice in speaking and writing Spanish based on cultural and literary materials. Emphasizes vocabulary building and developing grammatical accuracy. Conducted in Spanish.
213 – Intermediate Conversation (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 102, or equivalent
Concurrent enrollment in SPAN 203 recommended. Practice in oral expression. Not open to students with proficiency in Spanish. Conducted in Spanish.
214 – Intermediate Composition (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 201, 203 or equivalent
Concurrent enrollment in SPAN 204 recommended. Practice in written expression based on cultural and literary materials. Conducted in Spanish.
301 – Advanced Grammar and Composition (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 214 or equivalent
Grammar analysis and written expression. Conducted in Spanish.
SPAN 306 - Spanish for Health and Human Services - A (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 214 or equivalent Spanish communicative competency.
Provides students in the health professions with an introduction to the skills necessary to effectively communicate in Spanish, using terminology and culturally appropriate expressions specific to the field. Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit. One or more sections may be offered in any online format. Typically Offered: Fall
SPAN 307 - Spanish for Health and Human Services - B (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 306.
Provides students in the health professions with skills necessary to effectively communicate in Spanish at an advanced level, using terminology and culturally appropriate expressions specific to the field. Undergraduate Course not available for Graduate Credit. One or more sections may be offered in any online format. Typically Offered: Spring
315 – Introduction to Spanish Civilization (3 units)
Pre- and corequisite: SPAN 301
Readings and discussions in Spanish literature, arts and institutions. Strengthening of facility in the language. Conducted in Spanish.
316 – Introduction to Spanish-American Civilization (3 units)
Pre- or corequisite: SPAN 301
Readings and discussion in Spanish-American literature, arts and institutions. Strengthening of facility in the language. Conducted in Spanish.
325 - Modern Spanish Culture (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 301; Spanish language competency
Develop an understanding of the culture of Spain from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. Ideologies, institutions, literature and arts. Conducted in Spanish.
326 - Spanish-American Modern Culture (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 301; Spanish language competency
Develop an understanding of Spanish-American culture from the 19th century to the present day. Ideologies, institutions, literature and arts. Conducted in Spanish.
375 – Introduction to Literary Forms (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 301 or equivalent
Introduction to literary forms and concepts of literary techniques and criticism. Analysis and interpretation of various texts. Strengthen abilities in reading, language and literary criticism. Conducted in Spanish.
400 – Advanced Writing (3 units)
Pre- or corequisite: SPAN 375
Explore a topic or theme to develop several language skills, especially writing, to broaden and deepen cultural awareness from a humanistic perspective, and to develop and refine critical, analytical, and creative writing competencies. Conducted in Spanish.
406 - Spanish American Cinema: Historical and Cultural Representations (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 316
Cinema and literature as vehicles to analyze Spanish America historical and cultural realities such as stratifi cation, gender andpolitical practices. Taught in Spanish.
407 – Spanish Visual Representations of Cultural Transformations in the 20th Century (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 315
Development of modern Spanish society from the Second Republic of 1930 to 1983's democracy. How films are texts capable of expressing social, historical or political issues and cultural changes. Conducted in Spanish.
430 – Spanish Literature to Neoclassicism (3 units)
Prerequisites: SPAN 315, 375
Spanish literature from its beginnings to 1700. Representative works of each genre. Conducted in Spanish.
440 – Spanish-American Literature to Modernismo (3 units)
Prerequisites: SPAN 316, 375
Spanish-American literature to modernismo. Conducted in Spanish.
441 – Spanish-American Literature Since Modernismo (3 units)
Prerequisites: SPAN 316, 375
Spanish-American literature from modernismo to the present. Conducted in Spanish.
461 – Spanish Literature Since Neoclassicism (3 units)
Prerequisites: SPAN 315, 375
Representative works of Spanish literature from 1700 to the present. Conducted in Spanish.
466 – Spanish Phonology and Dialectology (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 301 or graduate standing in Spanish
Descriptive study of the phonology of Spanish, with specific focus on the sound system, suprasegmentals and connected speech. Description and analysis of the dialectal varieties of Spanish. Conducted in Spanish.
467 – Spanish Morphology and Syntax (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 301 or graduate standing in Spanish
Analytical procedures of general linguistics as applied to Spanish word and sentence structure.
Conducted in Spanish.
468 – Spanish/English Bilingualism and Language Contact (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 301 or graduate standing in Spanish
Topics related to Spanish-English Bilingualism and language contact. Linguistic situation of the Hispanic groups in the U.S. within psycholinguistic, grammatical and sociolinguistic theoretical frames. Conducted in Spanish.
470 - Foundations of Translation (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 468 or graduate standing in Spanish
The underpinnings of Translation as an academic and professional field. Overview of theoretical frameworks under which translation is studied as a cognitive, sociocultural and ethical enterprise.
471 - Practice in Translation - I (3 units)
Pre/Co-requisite: SPAN 470 or graduate standing in Spanish
Key theorethical concepts. Practical experience with the particularities of, and challenges posed by, translating commercial, cultural, financial, and literary texts.
472 - Practice in Translation - II (3 units)
Pre/Co-requisite: SPAN 470 or graduate standing in Spanish
Review key theorethical concepts and gain practical experience with the particularities of, and challenges posed by, translating legal, medical, political, scientific, and technical texts.
475T – Senior Seminar: Topics in Spanish Peninsular Literature (3 units)
Prerequisites: SPAN 375 and senior standing in Spanish
Selected topics of the literature of Spain. Subject matter will change. May be repeated for credit. Conducted in Spanish.
480T - Senior Seminar: Topics in Spanish Linguistics (3 units)
Prerequisites: SPAN 301 and graduate standing in Spanish
Selected topics in Spanish Linguistics. Subject matter will change. May be repeated for credit. Conducted in Spanish.
485T – Senior Seminar: Topics in Spanish-American Literature (3 units)
Prerequisites: SPAN 375 and senior standing in Spanish
Selected topics of the literature of Spanish-America. Subject matter will change. May be repeated for credit. Conducted in Spanish.
499 – Independent Study (1-3 units)
Supervised research projects in Spanish language, literature, culture, linguistics or business to be taken with consent of instructor and department chair. May be repeated for credit.
500 - Research and Teaching Methods in Spanish (3 units)
Prerequisite: graduate standing in Spanish
Provides a foundation in approaches, methods and materials for graduate-level research in Hispanic linguistics, literatures and cultures; and for teaching Spanish as a foreign language from the perspectives of second language acquisition research.
530 – Graduate Seminar: Historical Linguistics (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 466, 467 or equivalent
Principles of historical linguistics as seen through the evolution of Classical Latin (phonology, morphology, syntax and lexicon) into contemporary Spanish. Conducted in Spanish.
556 – Graduate Seminar: Spanish Poetry (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 430, 461 or equivalent
Chronological overview of Peninsular poetry with special attention on specific authors and movements. Conducted in Spanish.
557 – Graduate Seminar: Spanish-American Poetry (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 440, 441 or equivalent
Chronological overview of Spanish-American poetry from 1888 (Latin American Modernism) to Vanguardist and present day poetry and "Anti-Poetry." Conducted in Spanish.
567 – Graduate Seminar: Spanish-American Novel (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 440, 441 or equivalent
Historical overview of the development of the Spanish-American novel from the Colonial period (picaresque) to the Modern Experimental Novel. Conducted in Spanish.
571 – Graduate Seminar: Spanish Prose and Narrative Fiction (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 430, 461 or equivalent
Major prose and narrative works from various historical periods of Spanish literature. Conducted in Spanish.
575 – Graduate Seminar: Spanish Drama (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 430, 461 or equivalent
Chronological overview of Peninsular drama emphasizing major authors and their most representative works. Conducted in Spanish.
576T – Graduate Seminar: Hispanic Topics (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 430,440, 441, 461 or equivalent
May be repeated for credit with different subject matter. Topics include: Contemporary Spanish Culture, Contemporary Spanish-American Culture, El Ensayo y La Critica Literaria Hispano-Americana.
Conducted in Spanish.
580T - Graduate Seminar: Topics in Spanish Linguistics (3 units)
Prerequisite: SPAN 466, SPAN 467 or SPAN 468; or graduate standing in Spanish.
Provides theoretical principles and practical tools for advanced, graduate-level analysis of topics in Spanish Linguistics. Topics include Dialectology, Language and Gender, Second Language Acquisition, and Advanced Syntax. Conducted in Spanish.
597 - Project (3 units)
Demonstrate the culmination of knowledge gained through graduate coursework and independent thinking. Students present their research at a colloquium or academic conference and submit an article-length paper as their final project. Graduate-level, Department Consent Required
599 – Independent Graduate Research (1-3 units)
Prerequisites: fluency in Spanish and consent of instructor
Supervised research projects in Spanish language or literature. May be repeated for credit.