Passage to the Future Certificate
Earn points by participating in a connected set of educational and experiential opportunities that provide a passage from academic degree to meaningful career. Learn how to identify the opportunities that are right for you, where to apply and practice your academic skills in real-life professional settings, and how to present your knowledge, experience, and abilities to potential employers.
Students starting in the program in Fall 2024 or later are required to accumulate at least 20 points (7 from Career Preparation and 13 from Experiential Activities) to earn the certificate. For those who started earlier, please see the previous iteration of the points requirements
Career Preparation (At least 7 points)
Passage to the Future - HSS 200 (5 points)
With successful completion of the 3-unit Passage to the Future course HSS 200, you’ll be on your way to career exploration and professional development.The five points here include points for the LinkedIN profile, Financial Literacy Module, and Alumni Interview.
HSS career specialist (1 point)
Discover the resources available to you and talk to the HSS career specialist about career planning and graduate school preparation. Several types of appointments are available, including major/career exploration, resume/cover letter review, and practice interview.
Design Your Life Workshop (1 point)
This Career Center workshop is designed to help first gen students develop future career plans by utilizing brainstorming, self-assessment, and journal writing activities
Attend the Career Fair Expo (1 point)
Visit annual, campus-sponsored career fairs and speak with employers, community partners, and professionals who are hiring for jobs, internships, and volunteers.
Career Center Workshop (1 point)
Participate in a workshop hosted by the Career Center to learn more about different industries, professions, and skills to help prepare you for your future.
LinkedIn (1 point)
Complete a professional LinkedIn profile and connect to Passage to the Future
Titan Takeover: Job Shadow Program (2 points)
Participate in this job shadow program during Spring Break to observe “what a day in the life of…” would like in addition to gaining information and advice from career professionals.
Interview Alumni in Chosen Career (2 Points)
Use the Passage office to connect with an alum in your chosen field, interview them, and write a short essay about what you learned about their career path.
Meet with Passage Staff once per year (1 point)
Check in with passage staff to discuss opportunities and career preparation
EXPERIENTIAL (At least 13 points)
Diversity Initiatives & Resource Centers (DIRC) Workshop (1 point)
DIRC offers workshops aimed at identity development, social consciousness, allyship, advocacy, and leadership development. Learn about diversity, equity, and inclusion as foundations for leadership.
LinkedIn Learning (1 to 2 points)
Complete a LinkedIn Learning Course to gain specific skill requirements. Each course earns 1 point to a maximum of 2 points.
EXPERIENTIAL (continued)
Ally Training (2 points)
DIRC, the Center for Scholars, Disability Support Services (DSS), and the Veterans Resource Center all offer ally trainings. Learn how to be an ally to the diverse student body at Cal State Fullerton, as well as in the workplace and your community. Build skills to create more equitable and inclusive spaces.
Join a Student Organization (1 point each, up to 2 points)
CSUF has hundreds of student organizations affiliated with department majors, sports and games interests, social justice and community engagement that you can join.
Become Student Organization Leader (2 points)
Serve as an executive officer of an organization
Passage Lectures and Workshop (1 point each; repeatable)
Attend a Passage-sponsored lecture and check in.
Passage to the Future Course
(3 points each, up to 6 points)
Enroll in one of the dozens of HSS courses across the college throughout your time in the program that provide hands-on skills and academic reflection on the nature of work in America.
Complete an Internship (3-5 points each, repeatable)
Develop valuable professional skills and explore career opportunities by completing a paid or academic internship. Passage Internships are internships found through the program and, while typically paid, often don't come with course credit. Academic Internships are those you take for credit in departments.
- Short (At least one month at a minimum of 10 hour a week): 3 Points
- Semester or Summer-length: 5 Points
Participate in HSS Study Abroad or Study Away (3 Points)
Take a course in the context of traveling to and living in another country, town, or city. Develop the self-confidence that comes with learning how to adapt to diverse situations and work with people from other cultures and societies.
Participate in Cal State DC or Sacramento Semester Programs (5 points)
Develop valuable professional skills and network in internships and other programming in the national or state capital.
HSS Titans Reach Higher Weekend (2 points)
Immerse yourself in an intensive weekend of professional development workforce seminars, small group meetings, and one-on-one coaching with faculty, alumni, and business professionals.
Community Service (1 point each, up to 2 points)
Volunteer at an approved community-based organization operating in a field you are considering entering. 1 Point per 20 documented hours to a maximum of 2.
Mentorship Opportunities (2 Points)
Participate in the Passage Ambassador Program or other campus-based mentorship programs.
Other Opportunities
As they become available, the program will share additional opportunities with the Passage community. You are also welcome to speak with the Passage coordinator, Chérie Rolapp, about other ideas and suggestions you may have.