Virtual Research Symposium
HSS Student Research Symposium
Thursday, April 6th from 1-5pm
Poster Presentations: 1-2pm
HSS Quad
The Role of Spanish-Language Press in the First Half of the 19th Century U.S.
Alec Ainsworth
Major: American Studies
Sociodemographic Factors with Symptom Expression and Psychological Help-Seeking Attitudes Among Latine College Students
Emily Orozco
Major: MS Clinical Psychology
The Relationship between Facial Attractiveness and Eyelash Length
Ryann Alvarez
Major: Psychology
Sexual History, Gender, and Perceptions of Date Rape Victim Deservingness
Suzanne Lopez
Major: Psychology
Minor: Women and Gender Studies
Identification of Date Rape by Gender and Sexual Orientation
Hayley Stevenson
Major: MS Clinical Psychology
First-Generation College Students’ Mental Health Knowledge and Treatment Perception
Sherry Guler
Major: Psychology
The Impact of Self-Esteem on Recall of Self-Referential Adjectives
Carissa Ferbert
Major: Clinical Psychology, Master of Science
10-Minute Presentations: Session A 2-3pm
2:00-2:15pm : Gender Agreement in Spanish Heritage Speakers
Brenda Garcia
Major: Linguistics, Master of Arts
2:20-2:45pm : Evaluating the Impact of the Filibuster on Senate Productivity
Neha Upadhyaya
Major: Political Science & Public Administration
Minor: International Politics
10-Minute Presentations:
Session B Schedule 3-4pm
3:00-3:15pm: Reconsidering Normic Diversity: Advancing Diversity through Standpoint Theory
Risa Flores
Major: Philosophy, English
3:15-3:30pm: Revitalizing the Region: The Reemergence of Catalan Nationalism and Identity Through the Nova Canco Movement
Andrea Rios
Major: History
Minor: Women and Gender Studies
3:30-3:45pm: The Moral Wrongness of Accidental Harm Caused by Distracted Driving
Zahra Tahmasebi
Major: Psychology
10-Minute Presentations:
Session C Schedule 4-5pm
4:00-4:15pm: An Intended Consequence: The Dangerous Immigrant in Pro-Brexit Campaigns
Samantha Guzman
Major: History
4:15-4:30pm: Bans off my Body: Abortion Rights Movement on Twitter Following the Overruling of Roe v. Wade
Kate Heaton
Major: Sociology
4:30-4:45pm: Emotional Processing in Romance: Perceptions and Experiences of Adults with Autism in the Early Stages of Love
Claudia Bobadilla
Major: Psychology
4:45-5:00pm: Building R.E.P.A.I.R.: A pilot study to build resilience and reduce the impact of trauma
Gennavie Johnson & Jennifer Andi
Major: Sociology & Human Services
Minor: Human Services