Important Documents
Please view the frequently requested documents below. For additional documents and forms, contact the Aging Studies Academic Program Office at or call 657-278-7057.
MSG Handbook
The most important document an MSG student can use is the MSG Handbook . The handbook contains important information about common procedures and practices of being an MSG student, faculty research and contact info, a list of accepted MSG electives, among other things. The MSG Handbook is edited every year so that students can have the most up to date information possible.
Study Plan
Study Plans have been discontinued by the Graduate Studies Office and are no longer required to complete your degree. However, it is highly recommended that you review your schedule of classes with our advisor, Karen Wong, to ensure that you complete your degree in a timely manner.
AGNG Course Applications
These electronic forms require a hand-written signature.
AGNG 595 (Internship) Application
AGNG 599 (Independent Study) Application
Other Documents & Resources
Aging Studies Faculty Research
Leave Of Absence Request, Petition For Excess Units, & more
For information about incomplete grades, please see the University Grading Policies.
For more information about academic policies, please see Graduate Studies Policies and Procedures .