Minor in Aging Studies
Program Overview
The CSUF Minor in Aging Studies is a 21-unit specialty program designed to introduce undergraduates to the diverse applications of gerontology. The program is composed of dozens of faculty representing several academic disciplines, offering students an array of course offerings.
How To Add The Aging Studies Minor:
Contact the Aging Studies Academic Program Advisor
by emailing kwong@fullerton.edu or visiting H-424. You can fill out the online form here.
If you are a pre-med student or a STEM major seeking more research experience in aging sciences, explore our new minor in Aging Sciences!
Requirements for the Aging studies Minor
The aging studies minor consists of 21 units at the undergraduate level in the following areas:
Lower-Division Requirements (3 units)
- AGNG 133 Introduction to Aging Studies (3)*
(Same course as HUSR 133, PSYC 133, PUBH 133 and SOCI 133)
Upper-Division Requirements (9 units from the following)
- AGNG 313 - California Gold: Diversity and Aging (3)*
- BIOL 306 - Biology of Aging (3)*
- KNES 454 - Physical Dimensions of Aging (3)
- PSYC 362 - Psychology of Aging (3)*
- SOCI 443 - Sociology of Aging (3)
Internship (3 units)
One three-unit internship at the 300/400 level in a related field. An internship is a supervised experience working within the community. Internships are coordinated through the student’s major department. You may also take AGNG 495, the Aging Studies Internship Class. For more internship information, please click on our Internships
tab above.
Electives (6 units)
Examples of electives include these listed below but are not limited to:
AGNG - Aging Studies
AGNG 420 Aging & Dementia (3)
AGNG 425 Successful Aging & Gerotechnology (3)
AGNG 433 Aging & Social Services (3)
ANTH - Anthropology
ANTH 308 Culture and Aging: Anthropological Gerontology (3)
ANTH 435 Anthropology of Death & Mortuary Practices (3)
BIOL - Biology
BIOL 306 Biology of Aging (3)
BIOL 311 Nutrition and Disease (3) *
CAS - Child and Adolescent Studies
CAS 312 Human Growth and Development (3) *
FIN - Finance
FIN 408 Retirement Planning (3)
FIN 462 Life & Health Insurance (3)
HCOM - Human Communication
HCOM 320 Intercultural Communication (3) *
HCOM 345 Communication and Aging (3) *
HUSR - Human Services
HUSR 310 Case Management (3)
HUSR 380 Theories and Techniques of Counseling (3) *
HUSR 385 Program Design and Proposal Writing (3)
HUSR 400 Ethical and Professional Issues in Human Services (3)
HUSR 410 Crisis Intervention for Para Professionals (3)
HUSR 412 Gerontology in Human Services (3)
HUSR 415 Treatment Issues in Drug Addiction (3)
HUSR 420 Human Services Management (3)
HUSR 480 Case Analysis and Intervention Techniques (3)
KNES - Knesiology
KNES 353 Physical Activity and Lifelong Well Being (3) *
KNES 364 Motor Development (3)
KNES 371 Human Motor Control and Learning (3)
KNES 400 Program Design in Kinesiology and Health Promotion (3)
KNES 454 Physical Dimensions of Aging (3)
KNES 455 Functional Performance Assessment and Programming for Older Adults (3)
MGMT - Management
MGMT 435 Management of Service Organizations (3)
MKTG - Marketing
MKTG 351 Principles of Marketing (3)
NURS - Nursing
NURS 420 Trans Generational Issues in Nursing (3)
PHIL - Philosophy
PHIL 314 Medical Ethics (3) *
PSYC - Psychology
PSYC 302 Learning and Memory (3)
PSYC 303 Sensation and Perception (3)
PSYC 361 Developmental Psychology (3)
PSYC 362 Psychology of Aging (3)
PSYC 415 Cognitive Processes (3)
PSYC 462 – Advanced Psychology of Aging (3
PSYC 474 Health Psychology (3)
PSYC 475 Psychopharmacology (3)
PUBH - Public Health
PUBH 342 Stress Management (3) *
PUBH 401 Epidemiology (3)
PUBH 411 Promoting Health in Diverse Populations (3)
PUBH 420 Chronic Disease Epidemiology (3)
PUBH 440 Determinants of Health Behavior (3)
PUBH 450 Applied Health Promotion in Aging Populations (3)
SOCI - Sociology
SOCI 351 Sociology of Families (3)
SOCI 354 Gender, Sex and Society (3) *
SOCI 360 Sociology of Death and Dying (3) *
SOCI 361 Population and the Environment (3) *
SOCI 371 Sociology of City Life (3) *
SOCI 443 Sociology of Aging (3)
*Meets General Education Requirement. Other courses may be counted with prior approval fromo the Aging Studies Academic Program.
Up to nine (9) units of coursework may be applied to both the major and aging studies minor.