Master Of Science Thesis/Project Defense
AGNG 597 or AGNG 598
If you have not yet proposed you will not be able to register in AGNG 597 or AGNG 598. Please plan ahead and communicate with the Aging Studies Office and Aging Studies academic advisor, Karen Wong. You can find our contact information through Advising or the Contact Us tab above.
Please also review our Continuous Enrollment Policy
. If you are unable to enroll in AGNG 597 or AGNG 598 when you were planning to, you may need to take a different course in it's place.
As you work on your thesis, please also keep in mind our Professional Standards of Gerontological Practice.
For a thesis, Thesis Verification Form
Completed Project/Thesis
Use this Thesis Template
Use these Project Guidelines
Completed Visual Aid
*Links will be added here, this is still under construction
☐ Once your advisor determines your thesis/project document is complete, please notify the Aging Studies Academic Program to arrange a room for your defense. Your defense will be much like your proposal, just a little longer. Ensure you give your committee enough time to review your full, complete draft of your thesis or project. Often, this is 2-3 weeks to read (which gives time to make suggested changes) prior to your scheduled defense date.
Note: Many faculty are not available for proposal or defense meetings in the summer. Please plan your time accordingly.
☐ Anticipate an hour-long meeting for the defense, including a 10-15 minute PowerPoint presentation discussing all sections of your thesis/project. Be prepared to answer follow-up questions. You are welcome to invite friends, family, and faculty. Food is allowed but not required.
☐ When defending your project/thesis, please remember to bring at least three signature pages to be signed in black ink by your committee. It is the student's responsibility to get these signatures.
☐ After the defense the committee will deliberate possible outcomes. Expect revisions and suggestions, which may need to be done before you can obtain signatures. Allow time for revisions, especially if trying to meet campus-wide thesis deadlines.
☛ For thesis, defense (final filing) deadline is set by the university Graduate Studies office. Please see the Graduate Studies office website for all required forms and for more information:
☛ For project, defense (signed paperwork) deadline is the last day of finals week for the semester.
- The semester you enroll in AGNG 597/598 is not the semester you will necessarily complete
your project or thesis. Indeed, give yourself at least a year to complete your project or thesis. - GS700 is not an option until the semester after you enroll in AGNG 597/598, assuming all other coursework is complete and you are making steady progress toward completion of the thesis/project.
- Graduation is contingent upon successful completion of the thesis/project, not enrollment
in AGNG 597/598.
If you are unable to complete your thesis/project in AGNG 597/598, submit a change in study plan and communicate with the Aging Studies Advisor, Karen Wong You may need to enroll in GS700. The process for this can be found on our MSG Documents page.