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Tim Krause

Senior Research Associate

Senior Research Associate



Tim Krause joined SSRC in September 2023. He specializes in study design and methodology, data analysis, and report production. As a Doctoral Student and advisee of William D. Crano, PhD at Claremont Graduate University, Tim researches the evaluation of persuasive techniques in social programs using experimental, quasi-experimental, and secondary data designs. He is also an expert in statistical methods including A/B testing, group differences, regression, time series analysis, bibliometric analysis, and structural equation modeling. With a passion for research methods, Tim teaches the methods and design lab for the Psychological Sciences department at Pomona College, where he has assisted dozens of undergraduate students in designing, collecting, and analyzing their first independent psychological experiments. Before pursuing his PhD, Tim worked in the nonprofit sector for 13 years as a grant maker, fundraiser, and executive.

Open Accordion Education Open Accordion

Kalamazoo College - B.A. Music Performance
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology - M.A. Behavioral Economics
Claremont Graduate University - Ph.D. Applied Social Psychology (Currently Pursuing)

Open Accordion Office & Availability Open Accordion

Office: MH-038B
Hours: Monday - Friday |  9am - 5:30 pm

Open Accordion Contact Information Open Accordion

Phone: TBD

3 Weeks with the SSRC... and counting!