TESOL Undergraduate
Certificate Requirements
The Undergraduate TESOL Certificate requires a total of 18 units of coursework: 6 units of core coursework (TESL 300 and TESL 407), 6 units of language pedagogy (TESL 315 or ENGL 303, and LING 351), a 3-unit elective (TESL 408 or TESL 445), and a 3-unit practice teaching course (TESL 450). See here for information on prerequisites for the program.
Core Coursework – 6 units
TESL 300 – Foundations of English Learner Education (3 units
Prerequisite: LING 106 or concurrent enrollment
Overview of classroom based research and models of language acquisition related to teaching second language learners. Theories and concepts associated with instructed English language development and content-based instruction in school settings will be emphasized.
TESL 407 – Principles of ESOL Instruction (3 units)
Prerequisite: TESL 300
Explores methods for teaching English Learners from beginning to advanced levels. Deepens knowledge of specific approaches and techniques used to teach listening, speaking, reading, and writing and apply functional language analysis in content-based classrooms.
Language Pedagogy – 6 units
3 Units of Grammar
(Choose One):
TESL 315 – English Grammar for ESOL Teachers (3 units)
Prerequisites: LING 106, and TESL 300 or concurrent enrollment
Study of usage and terminology of English grammar in preparation for teaching ESOL learners. Approaches for error identification and remediation of ESOL learners. ESOL approaches, techniques, materials and technologies for teaching grammar within a communication-based classroom will be emphasized.
ENGL 303 - The Structure of Modern English (3 units)
- Prerequisite: junior standing
Grammar of contemporary English. Modern English usage. Requirement for application to English teaching credential.
3 Units of Phonetics and Phonology
(Chose One):
TESL 320 - English Sound System for ESOL Teachers (3 units)
- Study and reinforce sound, syllable, stress and intonation patterns of American English for instruction and remediation of ESOL learners.
LING 351 – Introduction to Linguistic Phonetics and Phonology (3 units)
- Nature and structure of sound systems in language. Thorough investigation of the International Phonetic Alphabet as applied to many different languages, including English. Language Acquisition (L1) and Language Learning (L2); analytic methods and techniques.
Elective Option – 3 units (Choose One)
TESL 408 – Principles of ESOL Assessment (3 units)
Prerequisite: TESL 300, and TESL 407 or concurrent enrollment
Explores purposes and uses of assessment in programs for English Learners. Establishes the important role that standards and standardized tests play in school-based programs. Delineates fair and equitable assessment of language and content in all modalities.
TESL 445 – Cultural Foundations for ESOL Teachers (3 units)
Prerequisite: TESL 300 or concurrent enrollment
Exploration of major cultural and intercultural concepts. Comparison of cultural practices in the U.S. and other cultures. Application of cultural information to teaching ESOL in school contexts.
Practice Teaching – 3 units
TESL 450 – Practice Teaching and Professional Development for ESOL Teachers (3 units)
Prerequisites: TESL 407, TESL 408, or 445, or concurrent enrollment
Synthesis of teaching and assessment concepts. Planning and implementing lessons through micro-teaching and service-learning. Reflection on personal philosophy of learning and teaching. Professional development for ESOL teachers to prepare for employment.
For general information on undergraduate TESOL programs at CSUF, including the World Language: ELD SMPP, click here.
For information on how the Graduate and Undergraduate TESOL Certificates differ, click here.