Minor in Gender & Sexuality Studies (24 UNITS)
NOTE: We are in the process of reviewing our course patterns and prerequisites. If you are unable to register for a course because of a prerequisite requirement, please contact Professor Ketchum at kketchum@fullerton.edu
NOTE: Double Counting Minor and Major Guidelines: Nine (9) units from the minor may be double-counted with your major. “A minimum of twelve (12) units from the minor, of which at least six (6) must be upper division, must be distinct and different from the units used to complete the requirements of the major. Any units above this amount which can be used to satisfy both the requirements for the minor and the major may be double counted.”
*The department was formerly known as Women and Gender Studies, and we are in the process of getting course codes changed.
Core: 6 units (2 classes), Breadth: 9 units (3 classes), Electives: 9 units (3 classes)*
*Any GSS/QS course not applied to Core or Breadth requirements may be used as an elective.
*Approved courses in other departments may also be used as an elective (if not used as Core or Breadth in GSS). See list of approved courses below.
WGST/GSS 205: Gender & Globalization
WGST/GSS 302: Introduction to Women’s Studies
WGST/GSS 360: Politics of Sexuality
WGST/GSS 340: Masculinities
WGST/GSS 305: Gender Frameworks: Introducing Intersectionality
AMST 320: Women in American Society
ANTH 332: Gender in Cross Cultural Perspective
POSC 485: Women & Politics (WGST/GSS 485)
PSYC 310: Psychology of Women
SOCI 354: Gender, Sex and Society
PHIL 343: Philosophy of Feminism (WGST/GSS 343)
WGST/GSS Electives
WGST/GSS 100: Intro to Gender Studies in the Humanities
WGST/GSS 101: Intro to Ethnic Studies
WGST/GSS 105: Intro to Queer Studies
WGST/GSS 205: Gender & Globalization
WGST/GSS 220: Intro to Gender and Social
WGST/GSS 302: Introduction to Women’s Studies
WGST/GSS 305: Gender Frameworks: Introducing Intersectionality
WGST/GSS 320: Gendered Techno-Culture
WGST/GSS 330: Women in Leadership
WGST/GSS 340: Masculinities
WGST/GSS 350: Research, Methodology, and Writing
WGST/GSS 360: Politics of Sexuality
WGST/GSS 370: Gender, Activism & Social Change
WGST/GSS 410: Gender, Health & Aging
WGST/GSS 420: Queer Theory
WGST/GSS 470T: Film & Feminism; Gender & Rock & Roll; Ethnic Sexism in Popular Culture; Politics of Reproduction; Feminism & Sustainability
WGST/GSS 480: Feminist Theories
WGST/GSS 482: Difference & Intersectionality
WGST/GSS 482: Transnational Feminism
WGST/GSS 490T: Intensive Reading in Feminist Theories-Angela Davis; Anzaldúa; Simone de Beauvoir
WGST/GSS 492: Capstone in WGST/GSS
WGST/GSS 495: Internship & Community Service
WGST/GSS 499: Independent Study
Other Dept. Electives
AFAM 306: American Indian Women (WGST/GSS 306)
AFAM 310: Black Women in America (WGST/GSS 310)
AFAM 311: Race & Relationships
AMST 412: Women, Race, & Ethnicity in American Culture
AMST 413: The Shifting Role and Image of the American Male
AMST 419: Love in America
AMST 420: Childhood and Family in American Culture
ANTH 316: Anthropology of Sex & Gender
ART 401: History of Women Artists
ASAM 308: Asian American Women (WGST/GSS 308)
BIOL 360: Biology of Human Sexuality
CHIC 313: La Chicana (WGST/GSS 313)
CRJU 430: Women and Crime
ECON 355: Economics of Gender & Work
ENGL 355T: Images of Women in Literature
ENGL 356: Queer Literature & Theory
HCOM 331: Sex & Gender in Communication
HIST 332: Concepts and Approaches in Women’s History (WGST/GSS 332)
HIST 377: Women’s Image in American Film
HIST 424T: Gender and Sexuality in History
HIST 437B: Gender & Sexuality in Modern European History
HIST 437 C: Gender in Russia & USSR
HIST 449A: Race, Ethnicity & Gender in Latin America: A History
KNES 480: Women and Sport
LING 369: Language, Sex Roles & the Brain
MUS 305: Women in Music
PHIL 325: Philosophy of Sex & Love
PHIL 377: Philosophical Approaches to Race, Class, and Gender
PHIL 384: Philosophy of the Body
POSC 433: Women in Comparative Perspective
POSC 474: Civil Liberties
PSYC 312: Psychology of Human Sexual Behavior
SOCI 355: Women in Contemporary Society
SOCI 381: Sociology of Sexualities
SOCI 408: Sexual Abuse in American Society