BA in Gender and Sexuality Studies (36 UNITS)
NOTE: We are in the process of reviewing our course patterns and prerequisites. If you are unable to register for a course because of a prerequisite requirement, please contact Professor Ketchum at
Core: 15 units (5 classes) | Breadth: 9 units (3 classes) | Electives: 12 units (4 classes)*
*Any GSS/QS course not applied to Core or Breadth requirements may be used as an elective.
*Approved courses in other departments may also be used as an elective (if not used as Core or Breadth in GSS). See list of approved courses below.
*The department was formerly known as Women and Gender Studies, and we are in the process of getting course codes changed.
Take the following:
WGST/GSS 205: Gender & Globalization
WGST/GSS 302: Introduction to Women’s Studies
WGST/GSS 350: Research, Methodology, and Writing (offered only in fall semester)
WGST/GSS 480: Feminist Theories (offered only in fall semester)
WGST/GSS 492: Capstone in WGST/GSS (offered only in spring semester)
Take 3 of the following:
WGST/GSS 360: Politics of Sexuality
WGST/GSS 340: Masculinities
WGST/GSS 305: Gender Frameworks: Introducing Intersectionality
AMST 320: Women in American Society
ANTH 332: Gender in Cross Cultural Perspective
POSC 485: Women & Politics (WGST/GSS 485)
PSYC 310: Psychology of Women
SOCI 354: Gender, Sex and Society
PHIL 343: Philosophy of Feminism (WGST/GSS 343)
WGST/GSS Electives
Take 4 total electives (can be from WGST/GSS Electives list or Other Dept. Electives List)
WGST/GSS 100: Intro to Gender Studies in the Humanities
WGST/GSS 101: Intro to Ethnic Studies
WGST/GSS 105: Intro to Queer Studies
WGST/GSS 205: Gender & Globalization
WGST/GSS 220: Intro to Gender and Social
WGST/GSS 302: Introduction to Women’s Studies
WGST/GSS 305: Gender Frameworks: Introducing Intersectionality
WGST/GSS 320: Gendered Techno-Culture
WGST/GSS 330: Women in Leadership
WGST/GSS 340: Masculinities
WGST/GSS 350: Research, Methodology, and Writing
WGST/GSS 360: Politics of Sexuality
WGST/GSS 370: Gender, Activism & Social Change
WGST/GSS 410: Gender, Health & Aging
WGST/GSS 420: Queer Theory
WGST/GSS 470T: Film & Feminism; Gender & Rock & Roll; Ethnic Sexism in Popular Culture; Politics of Reproduction; Feminism & Sustainability
WGST/GSS 480: Feminist Theories
WGST/GSS 482: Difference & Intersectionality
WGST/GSS 490T: Intensive Reading in Feminist Theories-Angela Davis; Anzaldúa; Simone de Beauvoir
WGST/GSS 492: Capstone in WGST/GSS
WGST/GSS 495: Internship & Community Service
WGST/GSS 499: Independent Study
Other Dept. Electives
Take 4 total electives (can be from WGST/GSS Electives list or Other Dept. Electives List)
AFAM 306: American Indian Women (WGST/GSS 306)
AFAM 310: Black Women in America (WGST/GSS 310)
AFAM 311: Race & Relationships
AMST 412: Women, Race, & Ethnicity in American Culture
AMST 413: The Shifting Role and Image of the American Male
AMST 419: Love in America
AMST 420: Childhood and Family in American Culture
ANTH 316: Anthropology of Sex & Gender
ART 401: History of Women Artists
ASAM 308: Asian American Women (WGST/GSS 308)
BIOL 360: Biology of Human Sexuality
CHIC 313: La Chicana (WGST/GSS 313)
CRJU 430: Women and Crime
ECON 355: Economics of Gender & Work
ENGL 355T: Images of Women in Literature
ENGL 356: Queer Literature & Theory
HCOM 331: Sex & Gender in Communication
HIST 332: Concepts and Approaches in Women’s History (WGST/GSS 332)
HIST 377: Women’s Image in American Film
HIST 424T: Gender and Sexuality in History
HIST 437B: Gender & Sexuality in Modern European History
HIST 437 C: Gender in Russia & USSR
HIST 449A: Race, Ethnicity & Gender in Latin America: A History
KNES 480: Women and Sport
LING 369: Language, Sex Roles & the Brain
MUS 305: Women in Music
PHIL 325: Philosophy of Sex & Love
PHIL 377: Philosophical Approaches to Race, Class, and Gender
PHIL 384: Philosophy of the Body
POSC 433: Women in Comparative Perspective
POSC 474: Civil Liberties
PSYC 312: Psychology of Human Sexual Behavior
SOCI 355: Women in Contemporary Society
SOCI 381: Sociology of Sexualities
SOCI 408: Sexual Abuse in American Society