Core Values, Assumptions, and Beliefs

Values, for us, are strongly held beliefs that guide our thoughts, words, and actions. Values are the root system that will serve as guideposts for how we aspire to relate to one another, as well as how we make decisions and recommendations.

We understand values work as a practice that realigns us with who we say we are, especially in times of difficulty. Values work is also aspirational and, in this sense, serves to (re)orient us towards who we are not yet but may want to be. Distinct from Mission/Vision, which has the potential to change over time, we consider values work to be more foundational.

We, the members of CoJET, commit to the following grounding values.

  1. Acknowledgement – To recognize the first nations peoples, the indigenous history of the appropriated land on which CSUF is situated, and the history of colonization that has shaped what knowledge is valued. CoJET recognizes the power and privilege we wield as faculty, staff, and students at CSUF, and activates this knowledge to recognize the harmful impacts of our university history.
  2. Authentic Transformation – To make clear that the system of higher education plays a significant role in educating and preparing present and future citizens and leaders of our democracy with the potential to maintain the status quo or to transform our society. CoJET recognizes that CSUF, as an institution of higher education, has a continual responsibility to examine the values, policies, and practices that lead to oppressive, anti-black, and racist assumptions and to change its systems and structures to lead us towards anti-oppressive and anti-racist values and actions. This value calls for authentic change that requires time to engage in the deep, internal and sometimes painful work that leads to sustained transformation.
  3. Reciprocity & Sustainability – To advocate for an environment that creates sustainable work conditions that contribute to the retention and success of diverse students, staff, and faculty. This value calls us to be attentive to workload inequities and imbalances, and to recognize, reward and pro-actively support those doing frequently unrecognized care work. We are invested in creatively generating shared resources and support of one another, as we remember and honor the past while navigating the present and future.
  4. Safety, Support, Consent & Confidentiality – To work towards a campus culture and environment that is grounded in honesty, authenticity, mutual reciprocity, consent, community-building, and coalition-building. We seek to earn our community's trust through recognizing the importance of confidentiality for our most vulnerable members and commit to community-based principles and practices of communication, collaboration, and seeking consent.
  5. Healing and Humility – To promote and reinforce among all students, faculty, and staff in the College a climate of healing, humility, respect, trust, compassion, and openness in promoting equity, social justice and transformation.
  6. Collective Needs and Individual Needs – To advocate for an environment that prioritizes the health, safety, well-being, and needs of the whole person and takes into account the needs of both individuals and collectives in decision-making.
  7. Humanity, Joy, and Peace – To understand deeply that the primary goal of our justice, equity, and transformation efforts is to generate a foundation of and for collective joy and just peace that energizes our students, faculty, and staff to realize our humanity and full potential.