AFAM In the News
Emotions and Ambient Racism in America’s Whitest Big City
Dr. Ash Woody, Assistant Professor of African American Studies authored “Emotions and Ambient Racism in America’s Whitest Big City” in the journal Social Problems. This research focuses on the experiences of Black and communities of color in Portland, Oregon. Dr. Woody develops the concept of ambient racism to describe how structural racism shapes the everyday lived experiences and emotions of racialized people in predominantly white spaces.
Freedom in full bloom at inaugural Juneteenth fete at Segerstrom Center for the Arts -
Segerstrom Center for the Arts partnered with the Institute of Black Intellectual Innovation of Cal State Fullerton to present “Freedom in Full Bloom: a Juneteenth Celebration.” The event featured a range of activities and artistic performances celebrating Black innovation and resilience in music, poetry and visual art. Read more at
Pride 2021: A Conversation with President Dwight A. McBride with Dr. Siobhan Brooks
In celebration of LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, please join us for an interview with New School President Dr. Dwight A. McBride as he delves into his career, scholarship, and the issues facing the LGBTQIA+ community. He will be joined by New School alumna Dr. Siobhan Brooks, MA Sociology ’01
Black and Latinx LGBTQ Communities: An Author Interview with Siobhan Brooks
Former HSS faculty member and senior editor at the African American Intellectual History Society, Tyler D. Parry, interviews Siobhan Brooks on her new book Everyday Violence against Black and Latinx LGBT Communities.
Imagine Otherwise: Siobhan Brooks on Reckoning with Violence
Siobhan Brooks was interviewed for the podcast, Ideas on Fire, about her new book, Everyday Violence against Black and Latinx LGBT Communities.
COVID-19 continues to roil California prisons, jails as officials face new criticism
Inside the state prison system’s Substance Abuse Treatment Facility in Kings County, David Cauthen has spent nearly five weeks on a hunger strike to protest what he sees as indifference and ineptitude by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation at stopping a coronavirus outbreak there that has infected more than 1,089 inmates and killed one in recent days. Read more in LATimes.
COVID-19 Exacerbates Housing Challenges for Black Faculty
Black faculty members disproportionately shoulder the burden the financial difficulties on their way toward a tenure-track position, says Siobhan Brooks, an associate professor and chair of African American Studies at Cal State Fullerton.
Black faculty members have less wealth than their white colleagues and Black Ph.D. graduates also carry large amounts of student loan debt, which contributes to such wealth gaps once they become faculty members, she wrote in an opinion column recently published in Inside Higher Ed.
Now, with COVID-19, Black faculty also are being disproportionately impacted by having to support family members who may be hospitalized or furloughed because of the virus, leaving them with less resources.
The 1A Movie Club Sees ‘Hustlers’
Inspired by a viral New York Magazine article, “Hustlers” tells the true story of former strip club employees who join forces to swindle their Wall Street clients during the 2008 financial crisis.
RPR’s reviews the movie “Hustlers” for meeting of The 1A Movie Club. This conversation features Siobhan Brooks, Professor of African American studies, at California State University-Fullerton, sociologist and author of, "Unequal Desires: Race and Erotic Capital in the Stripping Industry"
Exotic Dancers Organizing Against Decades of Exploitation
Siobhan Brooks, associate professor of African-American studies, is among the experts featured in a recent New York Times article on the members of the stripping industry who are fighting to reform labor practices and end sexual harassment and discrimination in their workplaces.
Why Are We Still Talking About the Wage Gap in 2019?
Siobhan Brooks, chair and associate professor of African American studies at CSUF, is an expert on cultural stereotypes, discrimination and pay disparity in a different arena than sales or nursing — exotic dancing. Her work highlights how racial stratification — inequality in social position and rewards based on race — affects wages among black and Latina dancers.
In Memoriam — Charlene Riggins
Alumna, educator and oral historian, Charlene Marine Riggins, died Oct. 29. Riggins' 43-year career at Cal State Fullerton began as a graduate unit evaluator in the Office of Admissions and Records from 1975-2003. She later worked as a lecturer and oral historian in the Department of African American Studies until 2018.
Professor has two recent Publications
Siobhan Brooks, professor of African American studies, authored "Staying in the Hood: Black Lesbian and Transgender Women and Identity Management in North Philadelphia"
for the Journal of Homsexuality; and the chapter “Balancing Act: Identity Management and Mental Health Among Black LGBT Women”
in the book Black LGBT Health in the United States: The Intersection of Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation (scheduled for release in January 2017 by Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group).