Contact Information
Voice: 657-278-5219
Dept: 657-278-3534
Department Address
Humanities 835-G
Setsue Shibata, Ph.D.
Professor of Japanese and Japanese International Business Advisor
Research Areas
Japanese pedagogy
Japanese cultural studies
Assessment of language learning
Second language acquisition
Courses Regularly Taught
Japanese language
Japanese language education
Japanese studies
Books/Book Chapters:
Shibata,Yokota, and Morioka. (2011). Japanese Literature for Japanese Language Learners. Created Publishers Co.
Kataoka, Koshiyama, and Shibata. (2008). Japanese and English language ability of students at supplementary Japanese schools in the U.S. In K. Kondo-Brown & J.D. Brown (Eds.), Teaching Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Heritage Language Students (pp. 47-76). London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates/Taylor & Francis Group.
Kataoka, Koshiyama, and Shibata. (2008). Bilingalism of Japanese children at hoshuukoo in the U.S. In G. Sato and H. Kataoka (Eds.), Bairingaru no hikari to kage[Bilingual chindren] (pp.117-142). Tokyo: Akashi-shoten.
Koshiyama, Shibata, and Mori. (2008). Learning environment of Language education of immigrant children in the U.S. In G. Sato and H. Kataoka (Eds.), Bairingaru no hikari to kage [Truth of bilingualism] (pp. 94-116). Tokyo: Akashi-shoten.
Shibata and Koshiyama. (2003). Japanese high school teachers’ perspectives towards California Single Subject Teaching Credentialing in Japanese]. In Y-H. Tohsaku (Ed.), Nihongo kyooshi no senmon nooryoku kaihatsu: Amerika no genjoo to nihon eno teegen [Comparative Study of Professional Development in the U.S. and Japan: Suggestions for Future of Japanese Language Education](pp.51-58). Tokyo: Nihongo Kooiku Gakkai.
Peer-reviewed journal articles:
Shibata. (forthcoming). New insight of assessment of Japanese writing for heritage learners.
Shibata and Yokota. (2012). Content-based instruction: Teaching haiku and waka in Advanced Japanese class. Journal of CAJLE.
Shibata and Kataoka. (2011). Japanese proficiency of the children of International marriage: A comparative study. Online Journal of Japanese Heritage Language, Vol. 4.
Shibata. (2010). New insight of instruction of reading comprehension and Japanese culture using Japanese literature]. Proceedings of the International Conference of Japanese Language Education. 45-55.
Shibata. (2008). Learning Japanese particles among students at supplementary Japanese Schools in the U.S. CRIE Review of International Education, 5, 37-52.
Liu and Shibata. (2008). Motivation factors to learn an Asian language among college students. Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages,5, 33-56.
Shibata. (2006). Japanese proficiency and sociological and psychological factors among the second generation of Japanese-American college students. Journal of Canadian Association of Japanese Language Education, 8, 1-14.
Office Hours
Monday & Wednesday 1:00-2:00pm, via Online at least until 2/9/2022;
Tuesday, Thursday , and Friday by appointment only, via Online.
Current Course Schedule
JAPN 311-01
MW 10:00-11:15AM H516
JAPN 408
MW 11:30AM-12:45PM